Mr Geoffrey & JD Franzke

Melbourne based visual artist and DJ Mr Geoffrey has been DJ’ing for 22 years on radio, in bars, clubs and operating theatres. His unique DJ talents have taken him to venues across the globe, from Paris to Shanghai, and back again to Melbourne, night club capital of Australia.

JD Franzke is a Melbourne based sound designer who has been DJ’ing for over 10 years whilst amassing an extensive field recording library and creating soundscapes for all of Melbourne’s major theatre companies. The underlying principle in his work is that sound lives in both the dramatic action as well as being a scenic element, that he is creating ‘text’ and driving narrative with sound, that sound is truly placing the scene. As such it is ‘telling’ – a kinesthetic intelligence in complete alliance with performance.

Mr Geoffrey’s collaborative work with JD Franzke began in 2001 with a residency at Melbourne night club Honky Tonks. Since then they have jointly produced a number of works for theatre shows, fashion parades, art exhibitions and even a display home at a gated suburb. Some of their collaborations have even been designed specifically for walkmans/MP3 players.

Their collective DJ sets involve the blending and massaging of field recorded sounds into a broad musical palette that engages a mood more than a style. The mixscapes have more in common with the wanderings of the Flanuer than a night club patron chasing a beat. It is what you might listen to as you walked home from a club but somehow took a turn into a place you only dreamed about…